Tipula oleracea  Linnaeus, 1758
Main synonym = Tipula pratensis    De Geer, 1776
Taxonomical Classification:  Animalia / Arthropoda / Insecta / Diptera / Tipulidae
Marsh Crane Fly, Common Crane Fly     Nemusun
Further Information:
A species which is quite common in our islands and mostly found close to wetland and water catchment areas. It has the shape of a large mosquito, but it forms part of the order of flies (Diptera). It rests on plants with it wings open and hence can be spotted quite easily, also becasue of its large size (wingspan 25mm c.) The female lays eggs through an elongated ovipositor in mud or moist soil where the larva hatches and develops, feeding on decomposing plant matter.

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